Welcome to the Koinonia Institute, a training ground for serious Christians!
You are invited to undertake a life-long adventure, exploring the Word of God among an international Fellowship without borders— neither intellectual nor geographic.
This is an opportunity to “bloom where you are planted” by studying the Bible—and related topics—in virtual classrooms on the Internet, while discovering the unique calling on your own life and preparing for the challenges which will inevitably emerge on your personal horizon.
This is not for everyone. It is designed for those who are truly committed to becoming Ambassadors for the Coming King. Here you will find flexible paths of achievement without any straight jackets of presumption or tradition. We are non-denominational, but decidedly fundamental.
We believe that we are all heading into extremely turbulent times, which will test all of our presumptions and beliefs. It is our objective to identify, encourage, and equip leadership for the challenges ahead.
After reviewing this handbook, please pray seriously about joining us and preparing for your unique ministry.
In the Name of the King,
Chuck Missler
Founder, Koinonia Institute
Mission Statement
Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian for ministry in today’s world.
For several decades the ministry of Koinonia House has been to create, develop, and distribute educational materials for those who take the Bible seriously as the inerrant Word of God.
As an affiliated ministry, the Koinonia Institute is focused on three supporting areas:
- To provide instructional programs to facilitate serious study of the Bible among thinking Christians;
- To encourage and facilitate both individual and small group weekly study programs for personal growth; and
- To develop an international cadre of believers who answer God’s unique calling on their lives, especially as they see prophetic trends unfold and discern what is really happening in the world.
The Institute is committed to accomplishing these goals through a program of lifelong learning – exploiting the Internet in order to achieve the “training and equipping” in our mission statement.
Koinonia Institute is formed around three tracks — The Berean, The Issachar, and The Koinonos. For information about each track, please see the Student Handbook.
If you have questions, they may already be answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page.